Way of Compassion Dharma Center

Approaching the Buddhist Path 43 - Motivations for Different Levels of Practitioners

John Bruna Season 3 Episode 43

In this session, John Bruna, the spiritual director of the Way of Compassion Dharma Center, gives a powerful teaching on the different motivations for different levels of practitioners. His commentary specifically focuses on how the four noble truths and conduct relate to the three levels of motivations outlined for Buddhist practitioners. This episode was recorded on June 21st, 2023.

Welcome to the Way of Compassion Dharma Center Podcast. Located in Carbondale, Colorado, the Way of Compassion Dharma center's primary objective is to provide programs of Buddhist studies and practices that are practical, accessible, and meet the needs of the communities we serve.  As a traditional Buddhist center, all of our teachings are offered freely. If you would like to make a donation to support the center, please visit www.wocdc.org.  

May you flourish in your practice and may all beings swiftly be free of suffering.